On Saturday I completed a double crossing of the Grand Canyon. From the South Rim to the North Rim and back to the South Rim. AKA "R2R2R". It was an epic journey shared by some old and new friends. Matt, Sean, Mike, the Joe's, and I were hip deep in excitement, fear, wonder, pain, and, finally, pride. Total distance - 44.7 miles. Total elevation change - 21,213'. Longest stretch without available water - 29 miles.
The story is probably best told in pictures. Here they are in order: descent of South Kaibab Trail, Colorado River crossing (El. 2,500'), traverse of Bright Angel Canyon, ascent of North Kaibab Trail (El. 8,242'), return to the Colorado River, and ascent of Bright Angel Trail to the South Rim (El. 6,819'). Enjoy! 'Cause I certainly did!